Production is moving along. More parts are working their way through customs and arriving all throughout this week. I’ve ordered an auto wire crimper to make electrical connector crimping an easier process for the techs. I’m also getting the necessary tools and shop basics on order to start filling the space.
A supporter has reached out and offered to help with powder coating. I need to set aside the time to mask off parts and get them shipped over but the ball is finally rolling on that.
I’m continuously working with the Patent Agent to get the provisional written, a financial advisor to prep for US tax filing, and the insurance broker to make sure we’ve got sufficient product liability and workers comp in place.
Pic of the new (used) auto wire crimping machine.
Continued work on Steam Valve and potentiometer attachment brackets
Sorting out discrepancies between spring design and testing
Android and iOS apps sent out to beta testers with SEP and Decent/ Acaia Scales. We’re working on getting some more scales added to the list as well as incorporating user feedback.
Tasks for this week
Onboard designer for Steam cap and Boiler fill cap design
Meet with the packaging design engineer to do more testing and finalize layout
Meet with Unum-Collab on shop layout and design
Get shop internet installed
Ross Ainsworth