Busy times in the Odyssey world. I apologize for missing last weeks update. I was at a conference the week prior and attempting to catch up on everything. With the lease started on the new space, we’re working on filling the shop with the necessary equipment to get started on early assembly steps. It’ll likely take several weeks to get everything purchased and moved in before we can officially start hiring assembly technicians.
In case you missed it, there was a lovely article and interview posted on Coffee Geek the other week which you can find below. We’re always grateful for all the support around this new product!
Article: https://www.coffeegeek.com/new-products/modern-lever-espresso-that-wont-break-the-bank-the-argos/
Interview: https://www.coffeegeek.com/opinions/ross-ainsworth-of-odyssey-espresso/
Some lovely latte art steamed by the Argos.
Steam valve and tube bracket design and final hardware specs.
White Ash and additional Walnut side panels and handles made for display units.
Pulled shots with local professionals for generic feedback.
Working with the customs broker to get several production parts through US customs and over to our new shop.
We continue to iterate and improve PID control logic through real world testing.
iOS app approved and both Android and iOS apps ready for beta testing.
Tasks for this week
Get pressure plots for 6 and 8 bar springs
Get parts out to a powder coating supplier
Continue working on patent application with agent
Steam cap and Boiler fill cap design finalized
Meet with the packaging design engineer to do more testing and finalize layout
Ross Ainsworth