Argos Weekly Update: September 7th, 2021

One week after launch we hit our 200 order minimum required to begin manufacturing. Thank you to all the early adopters who made this happen!


Design changes. As the first pre-production machine has been tested over the past few months, a few small design changes are being made to perfect the final design.

  1. Wood Panel screws on the sides are being replaced with hidden magnets to clean up the look as seen in the renders.

  2. Electronics board updates; including replacing the mechanical heating element relay with a solid state relay for faster response and prolonged life and hardware filters to clean up the thermocouple readings used in the PID control.

  3. Lever linkage redesign. The original design required two separate length linkages that would be included and required for swapping from direct to spring lever configurations. This design has been updated to make the swap possible with a single linkage to work with both configurations.

New parts, boards, and panels are expected to arrive by the end of the week or early next week and will allow us to build up the other 4 units for reviews, continued testing, and color/wood configuration display.

With these new parts I will be able to include video on the swap from spring to direct as well as finish dialing in machine controls with the reduced error in sensor readings.

Portafilters and steam wands are the long lead item parts but also the ones that do not require design changes. This order is being placed this week to get the ball rolling on those and some other major components that are not going to change. Once linkages, circuit boards, and covers/ panels are all tested and validated, those orders will be placed likely in 3 weeks.


We're continuing to make great progress with the Odyssey Espresso App. We recently got connected to the Bluetooth transducer and started plotting data as well as to the native Argos sensors. We're currently working on scale integrations with the first two being Decent and Acaia.

Tasks for next week

  1. Test new linkage design

  2. Begin building other 4 pre-production machines

  3. Test new circuit boards

  4. Continue working on Decent/Acaia scale integration with app

  5. Investigate auto start/stop brew plotting based on pressure threshold


Ross Ainsworth